Saturday, 9 February 2013

Small flood in Paris

Small flood in Paris, Island of "La Cité"
Saturday, February, 9th - View on the Island of "La Cité" from the right bank, not far from the "Pont des Arts" -
Click on the picture for a larger view and some explanations on the background
After the snow, comes the water. Sometimes, often in February, the river Seine is susceptible to flooding.

See how the west end of the Island of "La Cité" is isolated, the place there called the "Square du Vert Galant" becoming, nearly as in the past, a separated island...
"Square du vert galant" and a flood
Square du Vert Galant
Square du Vert Galant and the flood (2)
Square du Vert Galant and far off the "Voie Express rive droite"

Yes, in the past, there were 10 islands in Paris (now, 3 only, including "l'île aux cygnes). See here.

For a long time, the "Zouave" of the "Pont de l'Alma" (statue) helped the Parisians to measure the level of the river Seine. See here.
Look the level on this 9th February 2013, the feet in the water, a small flood, isn't it?
"Zouave du pont de l'alma" and Eiffel tower

Nothing if we compare to the last very important flood of 1910!
Bellechasse street and 1910 flood level indication
Rue (Street) Bellechasse and an indication of the 1910 flood level ("crue de la Seine" means "River Seine Flood")

It is said that there is one important flood in Paris every century. Not for this year, happily!
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